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  • Hey man, you posted a vid of your "piston slap" noise in 2012. My b230ft sounds EXACTLY the same, and it comes and goes. Did you ever find out what it was, and if not, how many miles on the engine with it still making the sound?
    I would invite you to my greek church and let you slay all the available hot grad student there. It is a wrinke of time space where it collects the pretties ladies and dumps them in the local chuch.the festival is next week, Come, bring back something wifey will kill you for,
    D00 EIIIT

    I just wanna say sir, that we are, on a personal level, really enormous fans.
    hey just to let you know i think you win the argument about that goddamn hideous audi S4. in a few years the veedub crowd will look back at this stupid fad and feel silly. just like with parachute pants or female costume jackets with huge shoulder padding.
    You helped me out before with some info on where to find the info I was looking for. I'm in need once again! I'm getting a 780 and I need to addrs. The rear I have billy's but I want to know if I need springs as well or are the shocks good enuff?
    I do have google play. If you could hook me up with some music that would be sweet! I've got like 600 or so songs on my hard drive an its all just over played by now. Haha
    Fredericksburg and Stafford mostly, but I venture to Manassas, Loudoun, Norfolk and a few other cities for work. You from around here?
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